
Some tortures are physical
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.

~Ogden Nash

Going to the dentist may seem like a dreary chore, but it can quickly become an expensive one. Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of your money when shopping for dental care.

Since my task was to write something about dentistry, I asked my dear cousin (a dentist) to share a few secrets that they would not immediately tell us, patients. It was only now that I realized I knew very little about my dentist. Even worse, I didn’t know how to determine whether my dentist had the right qualifications and equipment to provide first-class dental care.

Being serious about my task, I did my research and found that there are approximately 165,000 dentists in the U.S.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the yearly earnings of dentists averaged $147,010 in 2007. There is no doubt that people are spending a lot of money on dental care and most of them do not have dental insurance. But are we spending our money wisely? This is an area of particular interest to retirees and those planning to retire, because dental health issues tend to become more pressing as we age.

Here are the secrets your dentist may not want you to know – but you need to know these to get the best care possible:

Secret #1: Your dentist may not be as educated as you think.

Dentistry has changed a lot since your dentist graduated from dental school. One practitioner told me changes come “almost daily.” There have been major advances in most materials used in fillings, bonding and root canals.

The world of neuromuscular dentistry has evolved at a particularly rapid rate. This branch of dentistry treats misalignment of the jaw which can cause headaches, sleep apnea, worn or cracked teeth and severe jaw pain, among many other symptoms.

Dental techniques have also changed. Laser systems can regenerate bone lost to gum disease and improve smiles with gum contouring. Lasers and air abrasion systems can be used to remove some decay without numbing the patient and to achieve superior dental cleaning.

If your dentist is not actively engaged in continuing education, it is unlikely that he or she is keeping up with these developments. Here’s a good questions to ask: “How many hours of continuing dental education a year do you do?” The top dentists I interviewed do 100 hours or more.

Secret #2: Your dentist may not have the latest technology.

Technology is an important part of today’s dentistry. Is your dentist updated?

Digital x-ray: Dentists who do not have digital x-ray equipment are practicing in the dark ages. Digital x-rays use less radiation than film. They are easier to read and the ability to manipulate contrast makes diagnosis more accurate. The equipment is expensive, costing $30,000-$50,000. Your dental health is worth more than that.

Ultrasonic Cleaning: Ultrasonic instruments vibrate plaque and calculus off your teeth, even in areas below your gums. It is much more comfortable than old-fashioned hand scraping. They can remove heavy stains (like tobacco and coffee) from the tooth and even treat periodontal disease. Total cost to your dentist: Around $2000. There should be no excuse for not having one.

CEREC: For many dentists, this is the information they don’t want you to have. The CEREC system lets your dentist provide a ceramic crown, on lay or veneer in only one visit. Use of CEREC can conserve the tooth structure and permit the dentist to seal the tooth in one appointment. No gagging impressions. CEREC means fewer injections, less drilling and no annoying temporaries. The big rub is cost. A CEREC system will cost around $120,000. If I were to choose between a dentist who has it and one that doesn’t, I’d definitely go for the former.

Diagnodent: This is a laser which the dentist shines on the tooth and tells whether there is a cavity and how deep it is. What’s more, the laser can even tell your dentist that a root canal may be required. With the use of this technology, the dentist can detect cavities, and find them at an earlier stage, than traditional poking around the tooth (and no one likes that!).

Secret #3: Your dentist may be using mercury.

I know the American Dental Association and the FDA has no problems with mercury fillings. However, none of the top dentists I spoke to would put mercury in the mouths of their families or their patients. They use composite filling instead.

Mercury is toxic. What my cousin told me was, “the only place I can legally put mercury is in a hazardous waste container.” Norway and Sweden have banned the use of mercury fillings.

Even without the toxicity controversy, the use of mercury fillings is still questionable. Mercury expands and contracts with temperature changes, just like in an old fashioned thermometer. This can lead to cracked teeth.

Composite fillings look better. They bond to the teeth and make them stronger (mercury fillings weaken the tooth). Teeth with composite fillings are less sensitive to hot and cold. They require less removal of tooth structure.

Mercury fillings are less expensive and easier for the dentist to use. No continuing education is necessary.

To me this is a no-brainer. If your dentist does not use composite fillings, don’t use him.

Secret #4: The lab may be more important than your dentist.

If you are like most dental patients, you have no idea which lab your dentist is using. This lack of information could cost you dearly.

Dental labs create dentures, crowns, bridges, orthodontic appliances, and other dental restorations like implant crowns. There is a huge difference in the quality of these labs.

In order to increase profit, some dentists use foreign labs or cut-rate domestic ones. These labs may include tin, aluminum or even lead in their restorations. A reputable, first class lab will certify its restorations contain none of those metals and provide the dentist and patient a warranty on their craftsmanship.

If you don’t know where or which lab your dentist is using, you need to find out… now!

pressure. If you already have dangerously high blood pressure, the addition of epinephrine could cause a stroke. Your dentist should be aware of your medications and take your blood pressure before giving an injection or doing any dental work.

Advancements in oral cancer screening allow your dentist to find it sooner. A Vizilite exam is a detection tool used by dentists to see tissue changes in their earliest form. The dentist has you rinse with a solution and then shines a specially designed light in your mouth which will indicate the presence of oral cancer. A similar system by Velascope is also very effective at early detection.

If your dentist is not doing these health screenings, find one who does.

Secret #5: You are probably using the wrong specialist for dental implants.

Since dental implants involve the removal of a tooth and replacing it with an artificial tooth, many patients assume that an oral surgeon is best qualified to do it. This can be a flawed assumption.

Periodontists, who specialize in gum disease, may be a better option. Periodontists have special training in gum tissue and underlying bone in the mouth, which are significant issues in dental implants.

Whether you use your general dentist, a periodontist or an oral surgeon, you should ask some these questions:

What is your success rate with implants? It should be at least 94 percent.

How long is the procedure? It should be no more than thirty minutes.

Do you use a surgical guide? A surgical guide directs the implant drilling system and provides for accurate placement according to the digital surgical treatment plan. It is important to confirm that the dentist doing your implant uses a surgical guide.

Do you use a CT scan and 3-D imaging software? This technology assesses bone structure and identifies the best sites for dental implant placement while avoiding vital structures like nerves.

Many dentists hold themselves out as implant specialists. You need to screen them very carefully before entrusting them with this surgical procedure.

Secret #6: Bad dental advice about dentures can be fatal!

Dentures are no joke to the millions of senior citizens who use them. While patients often pride themselves on keeping the same dentures for many years, this can be a big mistake. Your dentist should examine your dentures for evidence of wear. Wearing down the teeth on your dentures can result in distorted facial characteristics, collapse of the bite and closure of the airway.

Dentures need to be replaced at least once every seven years. Poor fit or worn dentures can cause sleep apnea, stroke or even death.

Yearly cancer screening exams of denture users are extremely important.

Contrary to common perception, dentures should be worn at night in order to insure that the airway passage is kept open. Your dentist should instruct you on proper denture cleansing and should check you regularly for signs of infection.

Do you work with Ear, Nose and Throat physicians and sleep physicians, where appropriate?

You can also call sleep centers and ask them what dentists they refer to in your area.

Sleep Apnea is potentially a very serious medical condition. It is important to do careful due diligence before you select a dentist to treat it.

Secret #7: Not all cosmetic dentists have the skills to really improve your smile.

A beautiful smile is a big part of our appearance. Cosmetic dentists promise us beautiful smiles (a “smile makeover”). But how do we know if they can deliver?

Any dentist can call herself a “cosmetic dentist.” Here are some questions that will help you select one that is qualified:

1. Have you had post-graduate training? If so,where? The cosmetic dentistry field has changed rapidly over the years. A dentist with no post-graduate training is not likely to be current with these advancements. Look for post graduate training in porcelain veneers from well known schools like LVI Global, the Pankey Institute and the Scottsdale Center for Dentistry.

2. What kind of veneers do you use? The best veneers are either felspathic (super thin) veneers, or CAD/CAM veneers, which can be milled and made by a computer. There are pluses and minuses of both. Your dentist should explain the differences to you.

3. Show me the… veneers! Your dentist should be able to show you ten or more before and after photographs or videos. She should be willing to give you the names of patients who have consented to be used as references. Be cautious. Some dentists use before and after pictures of models they did not work on. Verify that what you are seeing is work done on actual patients!

You save me again dear cousin, not being a” kiss and tell” dentist but b article has been made so easy because of your little secrets. You made me realized how million miles of smiles I can share to everyone. Dentists are also humans, they make mistakes. They can dissatisfy or satisfies us with their words the more with their actions.

Have you encountered such dentist?

“The relationship between commitment and doubt is by no means an antagonistic one. Commitment is healthiest when it’s not without doubt but in spite of doubt.”- Dr. Rollo May

Falling in love at 16 does not seem ideal. At this age, one is still innocent in the ways of love. In fact, one is not even starting to prepare for the big battle called life.

It is proven that falling in love at an early age will not make things easy. Life is never easy, and so is love.

It wasn’t something I planned to do but it came to me at a time when I didn’t want it. I was enjoying my high school life when first love came knocking at my door.

At first, I didn’t want to admit that I was falling for somebody and that I needed someone else to make life happier for me. I always told myself happiness was just a state of mind. I would never find it if I looked for it through another person.

Research Paper

But all those ideas are just what they are – ideas. I’ve learned to acknowledge the fact that a significant other isn’t one who just comes in handy during the Christmas season or Valentine’s Day. Life is indeed lovelier if you share it with someone special.

But nobody said, it’s going to be easy.

All my ideas on how I want my relationship to be have become distorted. I don’t want a commitment because it spells responsibility (and I really mean R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y). I don’t want to do things because I’m supposed to.

The same goes for my partner. I want us to go on living the way we used to before we came into each other’s life. I don’t want a relationship that is limited by dos’ and don’ts.  I don’t need someone to look after me or tell me what is right or wrong. I’m old enough and I already know those things. I want to share my life with somebody, not give it to him.

Now, I have realized that commitment is necessary in a relationship. It is not because it will give me the right or the authority to tell a person what I want to happen. It is because commitment makes me feel certain that whatever we share is going to lead us somewhere.  It’s a nice feeling to enjoy being with somebody not because of who or what he is, but because you can’t think of yourself in another place with another person.  A relationship goes deeper than that.  It is where commitment comes in.

I may be wrong, but I firmly believe that love shouldn’t be limiting.  It must allow the person involved to stay as who they are and continue with their own lives. One would only change if it’s his/her choice.  Nobody must assume a personality that is not his/her just because it is what the other wants him/her to be. If this happens, one must tell his loved to start looking for that person.

A Guiding HeartI have learned not to expect anything from my partner. I realize that too many expectations will only lead to disappointment since we don’t have the same frame of mind. I respect him and I am aware that he is a different person. I’ll continue giving as long as I can. When I don’t feel like doing it any more, I’ll stop. Love is not something one asks for. It is something freely given. Enough of the ideal man or woman – no matter how hard we look, we will never find him or her.

If love comes around, don’t ignore it. As the songs goes, “It comes only once in a lifetime.” As Reggie puts it, it is never going to be easy. There will be times when one will feel loved, needed and cared for. There will also be times when your loved one will make you feel cheated and taken for granted. But don’t be afraid and lose the chance to feel what it is like to live, to love and be loved.

Marriage may be compared to a cage; the birds outside despair to  get in and those within despair to get out.- Michael de Montaigne

Just six months ago, I received two announcements: one is from a dear friend and the other is from my favorite cousin. My friend was so excited that her long time boyfriend proposed to her (finally!), and now they’re planning to get married. The wedding would be held at around May next year. On the other hand, my cousin (who seems to be a happy go lucky person) also found her man, and was excited to tie the knot this coming January. Of course, I’m happy for them but also nervous that they are not ready yet.

It makes me wonder if my friends, at one point in their relationship, had been embraced by some dark cloud that lifted them off the ground and made them forget the travails that plague so many married couples. Nothing comes easy. Think of all the fun only single-blessedness can give. If I were to get married now, there are thousands of things I’ll miss, among them are the following:

  1. Coming home at four in the morning after a night out with my friends without anybody worrying about me. With a hubby, I would have to go back to being Cinderella, unless I wanted to end my marriage.
  2. Littering the bathroom with female things without some guy complaining about it.
  3. Having all my money to myself.
  4. Occupying the whole bed, using all the pillows and never having to share the blanket.
  5. Disappearing during weekends without feeling guilty.
  6. Thinking about some guy I fancy without feeling guilty.
  7. Working overtime and going home in the dead of night without worrying about dinner.
  8. Playing with my nephews and sending them back to their parents the moment they throw a tantrum.
  9. Using the calendar to remind me of deadlines and not to count my safe days.
  10. No pressure in all things.

Maybe I’m just having so much fun now more than ever.

I don’t intend to knock marriage or discourage would-be brides and grooms. This piece is more of a warning. Like, look again before closing that door, unless you left something important that you can’t come back for. I’ve seen some married couples acting lovely-dovey in front of people, even though the husband beats up his wife in the privacy of their home. One friend’s marriage looks perfect, but in fact her husband is having an extra marital affair.

Maybe I have delusions about finding Mr. Perfect. Perhaps, I am just too much of a cynic. Maybe my two friends are really in love. Or they have grown more mature and found a deeper meaning in life, while I have been left behind.

I look forward to getting married someday, or more precisely, I like the image of me as a mother. I have very strong maternal instincts. Even now, I already feel a lot of love for my future children. And I fervently hope I will have twin daughters. But in the meantime, I think it’s best to be realistic. It would be foolish to get into a situation that will cause one a lot of headache in the future.


“I shop for shopping’s sake”

An “impulsive buyer”. That is what my sisters and friends call me since I have a habit of buying almost everything I like in a shop even if I don’t need them at all. I don’t really care what they call me as long as I’m happy with it.

I just can’t leave a day without peeping inside my favorite shops in the mall. It has become my hobby to drop by the nearest mall just to see all the stuff I adore. It feels really good whenever I’m inside a big mall while holding lots and lots of things or even just looking at them. My mom and dad knows me well. When I feel like I’ll get sick and restless they’ll just ask me out and I’ll be fine. My dad would say “I knew it, shopping is really the answer to your sickness” then they will both laugh. My sister even asked me to watched “Confession of a Shopaholic”. She’s trying to teach me a lesson that sometimes I’ m getting too much. Well, the more I loved it so.  I shop for shopping’s sake and just as what Tammy Bakker would say, “shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist”.

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